What are the requirements to run a node on betanet?

  • 250 GB SSD storage
  • Quad core CPU less than 10 years old if self hosting
  • Dual core CPU works if hosted with newer Xeons / EPYC
  • 16 GB of ram,  4+ GB of virtual memory recommended
  • Hosting: 8 GB RAM + 8 GB Virtual Memory

How do GUI and CLI features help me in operating a node?

With GUI, you can start running a node with a few clicks of your mouse. Shardeum is one of the first L1 networks to enable user-friendly GUI feature for node validators. CLI is the primary interface used by the vast majority of blockchain networks. It is enabled for more advanced users and developers who intend to work with nodes more deeply and technically

What is the reward I will get by running an honest node on betanet?

Your node will earn Betanet SHM, but these will not have any value. That said, we will be keeping track of the addresses that helped out during Betanet. We’ll announce rewards for betanet users in due time if and when decided.

Can I operate archive nodes on betanet?

During betanet the community can operate Validator nodes. After mainnet, the community will be able to operate Archiver nodes.

What is the process for bug bounties?

Details of the bounties will be announced around Q4 of 2023.

Where do I report the bugs on validator testnet/betanet?

Please report bugs on the Sphinx network here.

When and how can I apply for grants?

The Shardeum Foundation plans to launch a grants program towards the end of 2023. Early adopters that have demonstrated measurable progress in development and community growth on Shardeum’s testnets will be prioritized.

I am not looking for grants but I am keen to get your support in promoting the dapp I am building on Shardeum

Please submit this form

Can I get advisory support from the team for my project?

Shardeum’s leadership will be open to brainstorm and discuss the potential of projects and its GTM strategy soon. These leaders have led and helped world-class projects launch and succeed, and they will be available to help and advise.

Where can I look for active projects that are deployed on Shardeum so far?

You can find and interact with the active projects building on Shardeum in our ecosystem page of the website here

How can I get my dapp to be enlisted or added as part of active projects on Shardeum?

Please list your dapps that you are building on Shardeum here

Why does the Sphinx Validator testnet experience frequent downtimes, and why is there a delay in transitioning my node from standby to active validator status?

The frequent downtimes experienced by the Sphinx Validator testnet and the delays in transitioning nodes from standby to active status are primarily due to the unprecedented scale and complexity of our testnet operations. With over 10,000 validators invariably running nodes, and peaks exceeding 35,000, the network faces unique challenges that is inherent to such a large-scale decentralized system. These include operational hurdles like bugs and system overloads, which we are actively addressing through continuous testing and updates.

Our commitment to public development and solving the scalability trilemma involves rigorous and transparent processes, unlike traditional software development. This approach, while demanding, is essential to ensure both the security of user assets and the robustness of the network. As we enhance the Validator testnet by resolving issues like lost node synchronization and join protocol discrepancies, we are moving closer to a more stable and efficient system.

The transition delays from standby to active validator status are a direct consequence of the high validator count. This is also influenced by the fact that the developers are building their dapps on the more stable Sphinx Dapp testnet. We are working diligently to optimize these processes and appreciate your continued support in this journey. Your contributions are vital in advancing global access to decentralization through Shardeum’s groundbreaking technology, which will in turn, lead to sustained growth and expansion of our community in the long term.